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2 years

Start Date

Start Date

September 2025


Tuition Fee

International: 3,770 EUROS


Lyon, France


The objective of the international Master Environmental Risk, Water and Wind Engineering is to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the general field of environmental fluid mechanics, and then to provide them with the opportunity to specialise in one particular aspect.

Environmental fluid mechanics is indeed an important element of most large infrastructure projects (impact of wind on structures, transport and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, flooding of urban areas, erosion of our coastlines…). The various predictions for the consequences of climate change all suggest that extreme events are likely to become more frequent and more intense. There is therefore a continuing need for highly-trained engineers, capable of understanding and modelling these phenomena in all their complexity.

In the second year of the programme students will have the possibility to specialise in one area of water and wind engineering, either by following a taught programme offered by one of our partner institutions, or through an internship in one of the partner laboratories.

This Masters programme is constructed on the basis of long-standing research collaboration between several of the partners, and a shared desire to make the collective knowledge and experience that we have acquired available to engineering students as they begin to embark on their career. A significant proportion of the teaching programme is dedicated to laboratory work, giving students the opportunity to collaborate in small groups, working with  a wide range of experimental installations and facilities. Much of the practical work is based on small group projects, to encourage collaborative work and to facilitate student integration. The international structure of the programme is born out of a shared belief in the importance of including an international dimension in the training of tomorrow’s engineers.

Career paths

The main employment opportunities for graduates from his programme will be: doctoral research, national research  establishments, civil and mechanical consulting engineers, local authorities and regulatory authorities.